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An expertise-driven authoring tool for e-Health data policies

Research Area: WP11 Year: 2014
Type of Publication: In Proceedings
  • Conti, Riccardo
  • Matteucci, Ilaria
  • Mori, Paolo
  • Petrocchi, Marinella
Book title: CBMS
Series: Computer-based Medical Systems
CNR; Nessos and Mobicare; no tier, citations 0
Data sharing on the Internet is crucial in many aspects of nowadays life, from economy to leisure, from public administration to healthcare. However, it implies several privacy issues that have to be managed. Definition of appropriate policies helps to safeguard the data privacy. This paper describes an authoring tool for privacy policies to be applied to the healthcare scenario. The tool exhibits two different interfaces, designed according to specific expertise of the policy authors. It is part of a general framework for editing, analysis, and enforcement of privacy policies. Furthermore, this serves as a first brick for a usability study on such tools.