@conference{Blouin11, author = "Arnaud Blouin and Benoit Combemale and Benoit Baudry and Olivier Beaudoux", abstract = "Among model comprehension tools, model slicers are tools that extract a subset from a model, for a specific purpose. Model slicers are tools that let modelers rapidly gather relevant knowledge from large models. However, existing slicers are dedicated to one modeling language. This is an issue when we observe that new domain specific modeling languages (DSMLs), for which we want slicing abilities, are created almost on a daily basis. This paper proposes the Kompren language to model and generate model slicers for any DSL (e.g. software development and building architecture) and for different purposes (e.g. monitoring and model comprehension). Kompren's abilities for model slicers construction is based on case studies from various domains. ", address = "Wellington, New Zealand", booktitle = "Proceedings of MODELS'11", month = "oct", note = "partners: INRIA; projects: Nessos; TIER: B; citations: 19", title = "{M}odeling {M}odel {S}licers", year = "2011", }