@conference{DBLP:conf/models/DaniaC13, author = "Carolina Dania and Manuel Clavel", booktitle = "OCL@MoDELS", editor = "Jordi Cabot,Martin Gogolla,Istv{\'a}n R{\'a}th,Edward D. Willink", note = "PARTNERS: IMDEA PROJECTS: EU FP7-ICT Project “NESSoS: Network of Excellence on Engineering Secure Future Internet Software Services and Systems” (256980) by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation Project “DESAFIOS-10” (TIN2009-14599-C03-01), and by Comunidad de Madrid Program “PROMETIDOS-CM” (S2009TIC-1465). NOTIER CITE(03/03/2014):0", pages = "53-62", publisher = "CEUR-WS.org", series = "CEUR Workshop Proceedings", title = "{OCL}2{FOL}+: {C}oping with {U}ndefinedness", volume = "1092", year = "2013", }